Programs linked to CAN

CAN Community Support

CAN Community Support is part of the Church of All Nations in Carlton, a Parish Mission of the Uniting Church in Australia.

The Church of All Nations has been part of the fabric of Carlton for over 150 years, offering support to vulnerable people, speaking out for justice, and celebrating the gifts of all cultures to our societies. CAN Community Support was started by the Church community over 30 years ago and has continued to grow and change in response to the needs of the people it serves.

CAN Community Support serves those in the Carlton community through numerous programs from Emergency Support, Family Learning, community meals, a drop-in space and womens groups.

Click here to find out more about CAN Community Support and click for the latest Supporter’s Newsletter

Indigenous Hospitality House

The Indigenous Hospitality House is a Christian community house in Melbourne that offers rooms for Indigenous families who have come from out of town to support a family member in hospital. We also make space for non-Indigenous people to rethink Australian and Christian identity in light of our colonial history. Click here to learn more.


Tertiary Ministry

CAN is part of an informal network of inner city Uniting Churches that are interested in, and active with, tertiary students.


Brunswick Feasting Table (18-25 yr olds)
Fourth Sunday of the month
278 Brunswick Rd, Brunswick
Dinner and discussion on life and faith
RSVP to Cath 0438 504 394

Queer Faith Support Group
Facilitated small group discussion
Brunswick UCA
212 Sydney Rd, Brunswick
Usually on the last Friday night of the month, but confirm beforehand Cath 0438 504 394

Visit the Brunswick Uniting website at


Our regular Taizé prayer occurs on the first Saturday of each month at 7:00pm (except in January) It generally takes around 45 minutes, and then you are invited to stay for dinner, or at least for a glass of wine.
We ask for a donation of $15 (food and wine) / $10 (food only) / $5 (low waged) to help to cover our costs.
Visit the Northcote Uniting Website at


Church of All Nations (Carlton)

Opportunities to volunteer as a tutor at homework club for primary/secondary students living in the Carlton high rise estate. The homework club runs Monday-Wednesday after school.

Also opportunities to volunteer in assisting at community meal on Wednesday lunchtime.

Visit the website at


(Carlton Community Support)

Or contact the minister Ray Gormann at